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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent

Stay safe online - What information should we share?

11th Dec 2020

During our prosper sessions today we looked at staying safe online. Specifically we talked about what information we should or should not share online. Using a modelled email from 'Caitlin' the children discussed the dilemma she faced and whether she should meet the stranger who sent it and pass information on as requested. As you can see from their initial responses (see photo) they were very mixed. When the children linked the scenario to the 'real world' they soon changed their minds and said they wouldn't share this with a 'real' stranger. We realised that a stranger is still a stranger whether they are in a virtual or real environment and we should be just as cautious. 

To find out more about keeping your child safe online and what steps you can take see the following link: