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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent

The Easter Story

15th Mar 2018

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  People scattered palm leaves on the ground.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People scattered palm leaves on the ground.
Judas Iscariot when to the priests and told them he would betray Jesus.  He was given 30 pieces of silver.
Judas Iscariot when to the priests and told them he would betray Jesus. He was given 30 pieces of silver.
Jesus had a meal with his 12 friends and told them that the next day he would be arrested and nailed to a cross.
Jesus had a meal with his 12 friends and told them that the next day he would be arrested and nailed to a cross.
Judas betrayed Jesus to the Roman guards with a kiss.
Judas betrayed Jesus to the Roman guards with a kiss.
Jesus carried the cross up a nearby hill.
Jesus carried the cross up a nearby hill.
Jesus was nailed to a cross with two other people.
Jesus was nailed to a cross with two other people.
Jesus body was placed into a tomb and two days later a friend of Jesus found the huge stone had been moved.
Jesus body was placed into a tomb and two days later a friend of Jesus found the huge stone had been moved.
After this, Jesus appeared to the disciples several times before he was taken up into heaven.
After this, Jesus appeared to the disciples several times before he was taken up into heaven.