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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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Safeguarding underpins everything we do at Christ Church CEP Academy and as a result our pupils say that they feel safe and happy at our school.

Miss Perkins is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and should be the first point of contact if anyone in our school community feels worried about a child. In accordance with Keeping children safe in education 2023 we also have appointed deputies who work together with Miss Perkins' . The Deputy DSLs are Mr Flack and Mrs Atkins 

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and we take our responsibility to teach our pupils to keep themselves safe very seriously. This takes place through the Jigsaw curriculum which is a fusion curriculum comprised of PSHE, Relationship Education, British Values, Christian Values, Character Education, Mindfulness and Online Safety. We also organise specific events and days such as Anti-Bullying Week, Online Safety Day, working with NSPCC and Childline School Service. You can find out more about Jigsaw by clicking here

We acknowledge that we are living in an increasingly technological world and that our pupils have access to the internet and other electronic communication. Online Safety forms an important part of our computing curriculum and these principles are instilled in our pupils from their first day at school. You can find out more about online safety by clicking here.

Christ Church CEP Academy is proud to be a diverse and multicultural community. Our pupils treat each other with respect regardless of beliefs, culture or background. We acknowledge our role in helping to combat radicalisation and extremism as detailed in The Prevent Duty.

Discrimination and prejudice in all it's forms is not tolerated at Christ Church CEP Academy. At Christ Church CEP Academy we uphold the diocesan's principles of Valuing All God's Children 2019 


Any allegations or concerns regarding a member of staff should be raised with the head teacher, chair of governors or directly with the LADO.

The LADO can be contacted on 03000 410888


If you need further support email:

Further information on how we are adapting our procedures at this time is available in our Covid-19 Child Protection Addendum click here


Pupil Mobile Phones at Christ Church Academy 

Christ Church Academy has a duty to create an environment that is calm, safe and free from distraction so all pupils, whatever their background, can learn and thrive.

Mobile phones risk unnecessary distraction, disruption and diversion.

Mobile Phones not only distracts the single pupil using the phone, but disrupts the lesson for a whole class, and diverts teachers’ efforts away from learning.  We owe it to our children to do what we can to remove distractions and enable them to be fully present and engaged in the classroom. We also owe it to our pupils to keep them safe at school. One in five pupils have experienced bullying online. By removing the distraction of mobile phones from the school day, we can create a safe space where pupils are protected from the risks and dangers associated with social media and cyber-bullying, as well as the peer pressure and possible stigma associated with owning what are often expensive devices.


Although we do allow pupils to bring mobile phones on site they MUST be handed in at the School Office on arrival, where they will be safely stored ready to be collected at the end of the school day. Phones must be switched off during this time, until the pupils are off school site.


The above policy prohibits the use of mobile phones and other smart technology with similar functionality to mobile phones (for example the ability to send and/or receive notifications or messages via mobile phone networks or the ability to record audio and/or video) throughout the school day, including during lessons, the time between lessons, breaktimes and lunchtime. Any breach of this policy must be immediately referred to the Headteacher or a member of SLT. 


Safeguarding Staff

Miss R Perkins
Miss R Perkins

Deputy Headteacher Lead DSL

Mr R Flack
Mr R Flack

Headteacher Deputy DSL


Mrs L Atkins
Mrs L Atkins
Early Years Team Leader
Deputy DSL