Year One Homework 08/01/16
Homework 8th January 2016
This term our topic is called ‘What a load of Rubbish!’
We will be designing and making lots of different projects using recycled materials.
For our first project we will be making a Castle.
We have sent home your child’s design, including labels for the recycled items they would like to use to build it.
We will be building the castles at school but would like you to collect the recycled items your child has requested at home. Please talk through with your child how they will use each of the items so that they are fully prepared when we come to build the castles.
Please also use this time to discuss how you recycle at home etc.
Named bags of recycled items should be in school on Thursday 14th January.
If you want to send in an additional bag of items to help out other children who could not source everything they needed or to be saved for our future projects we would be very grateful. Please continue to send in any junk modelling items you have at home throughout this term!
Thank you!
Year One
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645