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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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World Faith- Islam

24th Jun 2022

Year 5 & year 2 enjoyed a lovely discussion surrounding the Muslim faith of Islam. Both year groups have been studying, the Islamic faith over the past two terms.  A huge thank you to Mrs Chowdury for coming in to talk about her faith and what is means to her. The children listened attentively as she explained her faith journey as a Muslim and the importance of some of their practices within her faith community. She shared with the children her excitement of going on pilgrimage to Mecca over the coming weeks and explained that this was a once in a life time opportunity for her, to fulfil her obligations as a committed member of the Islamic faith. As pilgrimage is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam. I wonder if you can remember the other four?