Hello, and welcome to 3CK class.
We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead; we have lots to learn and some exciting events planned.
Every morning we have assembly followed by Writing. After morning break we have Maths followed by Read Write Inc. or Grammar Punctuation and Spelling.
After lunch:
Monday - ICT and swimming
Tuesday - PE and Science (Term 1 Animals including humans)
Wednesday - Music and Topic (Term 1 Food glorious food)
Thursday - RE and Modern Foreign Languages
Friday - Topic and Team Building
Please keep an eye on the classroom window for any additional information about the week and try to make sure you check the newsletters regularly; these can all be found on the school website.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to talk to Miss Kelland, Ms Ridout or Miss Whiting or if necessary, make an appointment to come in at the end of the day.
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645