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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!

28th Jan 2022

As part of our Jigsaw/PSHE unit Dreams and Goals we have been learning about the importance of working with others in order to achieve something. The children have been set challenging tasks in short time periods to encourage them to work together as a team in order to have any chance of achieving them. The main learning outcome has been to recognise who they may or may not work productively with. They also recognised the importance of breaking down a task into roles and taking turns to listen and act upon feedback from others. 

Tasks included:

Learning numbers 1-10 in Mandarin

Counting in 2's from 0-20 in French

Learn a dance move - Macarena

Learn the first two verses of an unfamiliar song

15 minute, crafting project (in groups of 4) create a bird to live in their Garden of Dreams and Goals.