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P4C - Dolphins Class

6th Jan 2019

Dolphins looked carefully at each of the 4C's but the majority of the children voted to focus on Caring Thinking for our P4C session on Dinosaurs and all that rubbish.

Thank you David for telling the whole class all about Caring Thinking.

The children were amazing at discussing our question:

I wonder if the dinosaurs will share the earth with the man?

They remembered to use our I agree/disagree statements and to us the word because to support their statement.

Here are a few of their responses.

Elif: I think the dinosaurs will share the earth because they can teach the man how to grow the grass and the trees.

Frederick: The man needs to be kind to the dinosaurs, if the dinosaurs share the earth. 

Reggie: Man can share with the dinosaurs and then use a crane to get to the star.

Amelia: I agree with Reggie because that is a good idea.

Esmee: I agree that the man and the dinosaurs can share but I disagree with Reggie because man doesn't need a crane to get the star, he can climb on the big dinosaurs back to reach to get to the star. 

Reggie: OHHHHHH! I'm changing my mind, I agree with Esmee, the man can use the dinosaurs to help him.

Heathcliff: I think the dinosaurs will share with the man but will the man remember to share with the dinosaurs?