Access Keys:

Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around
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Dates for your diary

25th Feb 2020

Hi. Here is some information on events that are coming up this term:
> 27-3 February - book fair week - books will be on sale in the main hall or canteen - look out for more information on the newsletter.
> 28th February - NSPCC numbers day - TAG day - please bring 50p and wear a number or something related to a number e.g. dots on a dice, roman numerals etc...
> 5th March - World Book Day - please can children dress up as a Roald Dahl character.
> 6th March - Waterstones book shop are coming to the school and bringing books to buy - children will be given a voucher to spend on a book but may need some additional money.
> 17th March - St Patrick's Day - children in St Patrick's house need to wear green for this day.
> 25th March - Easter Service at the Holy Trinity Church - please check the newsletter for further information.
Please keep checking the newsletters for any updates on this information.