All Things Bright and Beautiful
In year 2, the science we do revolves greatly around our natural world. Back in September we were very lucky to be given free tickets to a show about the sad decline of our wonderful native bees. As a result of this, and also through the passion of the children and teachers, we felt that a focus on bees for our science curriculum would be really appropriate. More recently, we were invited to attend an event at the Quarterhouse where a few of our children met the Hythe councillor Martin Whybrow and were able to pass on our letters asking the Council to adopt a Pollinator Action Plan. The good news is that the Council has already considered this and has adopted the plan so we can all look forward to seeing more pollinating plants in the future. Good news for the bees and good news for the plants!
A big thank you to all the children and their parents who came to the event. It was a very enjoyable session.
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645