2017/2018 School Year
19th Jun 2018
Sharks class recently stepped into the 'Outside Learning Area' to talk about a video...
15th Jun 2018
Some Year 6 pupils went to the sea front and took part in raft building.
15th Jun 2018
Dear Parents/ Carers
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for...
14th Jun 2018
Dolphins have been exploring all about different things that need a force in order...
13th Jun 2018
We had such a fantastic time at the Kent Life Museum in Maidstone last week. We...
12th Jun 2018
Dolphins hve been freeze framing part of our story Tuesday by David Wiesnier. The...
5th Jun 2018
The children were very excited this morning as they came in. They found water on...
4th Jun 2018
A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us on the paddock to celebrate...
28th May 2018
It can be a great challenge to encourage children to read at home when there are...
21st May 2018
Recently Sharks Class used drama and role-play to understand the significance of...
- All
- 1H
- 1K
- 2J
- 2L
- 3B
- 3C
- 4DH
- 4J
- 5A
- 5L
- 6A
- 6J
- Art
- British Values
- CC Experience
- Computing
- Covid
- DT
- Eco Schools
- Events
- Family Liaison Officer (FLO)
- Forest School
- Geography
- History
- Holy Trinity
- Houses
- International
- Jigsaw
- John Muir
- Junior Road Safety Officers
- Learning Mentor
- Maths
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Support-516
- Music
- P4C
- PE & Sports
- Peer Mediation
- Peer Mentoring
- Personal Development
- RE
- Reading Challenge!
- School Council
- Science
- Seahorses
- Special Educational Needs
- Starfish
- Summer School
- Topic
- Turtles
- Worship Leaders
- Writing
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645