Access Keys:

Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent


2017/2018 School Year

21st May 2018
Sharks Class have been learning all about plants and animals.
21st May 2018
Recently Sharks Class have been improving their hand-to-eye co-ordination using...
19th May 2018
For Topic this term we have been studying 'Homelessness' and we decided to experience...
16th May 2018
Despite the wind, the children had a great time. I think the highlight of the day...
16th May 2018
Today we had a fantastic afternoon making Tudor roses out of clay with Miss Gould....
16th May 2018
The children from Years 4 and 5 took part in the morning session of an Instrumental...
16th May 2018
Last week, a hearty bunch of Year Five pupils visited the Sea Sports Centre...
14th May 2018
Year 4 have been lucky enough to have 2 Tudor workshops and two on sound too! ...
11th May 2018
In team building this week we made kaleidoscopes as part of our science on light.
11th May 2018
This week we have been outside measuring different things in nature. We have been...