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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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1A Jigsaw PSHE lesson

12th Jan 2022

In Jigsaw this term we are thinking about 'Dreams and Goals': what they are and how we can achieve them.  Last week we talked about things we have already achieved and celebrated some of our successes.  This week we thought about how to achieve our goal.  Charlie said he wanted to be the fastest runner in the world.  He thought he might start by walking and then doing some short runs, gradually getting longer and longer, faster and faster.  This was a great analogy for us to use as we were thinking about other goals.  Mrs Avery's goal was to make a jam sandwich - the children had to give instructions but sometimes we got it wrong as you will see in the photos - oops!  We got there in the end and all felt very hungry.  After that we talked about making mistakes along the way and tried to understand that mistakes are all part of the learning process.