Access Keys:

Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent



Welcome to Christ Church School Library!


Our school library is a warm inviting space that both children and staff enjoy using.

We have a quality collection of books for the children to choose from, including books for children whose first language may not be English.

The Library is accessible to all, with each class having their own timetabled session.


Our role is to help create confident, enthusiastic readers and engage children in life-long learning through books.  This can be achieved in and out of school.  PLEASE encourage your children to read on a regular basis or share a book at bedtime, bath time or any time!


Meet an Author, workshops and book signing!


Book festival at The Quarterhouse








Upcoming events.....Winter Reading Challenge 2024- Ready, Set, Read!


The challenge starts 1st December 2024, sign up Online!





Remember "The more you read, the more you learn".

Mrs Tickner - Librarian


Story Time

Backseats special day
Bear snores on
Beauty and the beast
Billy's Bucket
Catch me if you can
Chocolate Cake
Emperor's New Clothes
Fame Mouse
Five minutes peace
Giraffes can't dance
Goldilocks and the three bears
Guess how much I love you
Hansel and Gretel
Harry the dirty dog
Homer the Library Cat
How to catch a star
I wish that I had duck feet
If I had a dinosaur
Kipper's snowy day
Little Red Riding Hood
Monkey see Monkey do
My Big Shouting Day!
Open Very Carefully
Pirates love underpants
Recipe for a story
Room on the broom
Ruby's Worry
Ruby's Worry
Snow White
Splash and Squelch
Stick Man
Stuck in the mud
The bear in the cave
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
The Cave
The dinosaur that pooped a planet
The gingerbread man
The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo
The Hungry Caterpillar
The Inside Outing
The Magic Paintbrush
The Magic Porridge Pot
The Magic Porridge Pot
The night pirates
The Pink Bicycle
The return of the Jabberwock