PE and Sports
PE Vision
The continuing provision of the Primary PE and Sports Premium facilitates our vision, inspired by God’s love, to empower and raise the aspirations of all the children at our academy. This enables them to grow and flourish to be the best versions of themselves regardless of ability or background. We are committed to providing high quality and varied PE and Sporting opportunities for all our pupils and this was recognised by our School Games Silver Award and nomination for Shepway Primary School of the Year for 2019. Our PE Coordinator was honoured by being bestowed with the Shepway Award for Primary PE Teacher of the Year 2018-19 due to her passion and endeavour to ensure that all our children are valued in the eyes of God, so that they can achieve their full potential.
We aim to achieve this by providing ongoing professional development for teaching staff, maintaining and developing links with sports providers such as Shepway Sports Trust and Folkestone Sports Centre, to provide competitive and non-competitive experiences. In addition to this, providing opportunities within school for children to organise and participate in additional activities during lunch times and after school.
Through these experiences and engagement in team events, it is our belief that not only will children develop their physical skills, but also their moral, spiritual and social skills, such as friendship, hope, thankfulness and forgiveness in accordance with our Christian Values.
At Christ Church we aim for pupils to look forward to and enjoy high quality PE lessons in a safe and supportive environment. We believe this is important to not only equip pupils with skills that will benefit them in their transition to secondary school but to also help them to lead healthy lifestyles. Pupils will be educated around the importance of this so they can strive to live healthy, active lives regardless of their sporting abilities. By the end of their time at Christ Church, all children should be able to evaluate and self-review the skills they have used and improved during their PE lessons.
We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to reach their potential in physical education, school sport and physical activity. We want our pupils to engage in lessons that are enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all.
Children should be inspired by PE lessons to participate in after school clubs or to take up sports activities outside of the school environment.
The PE long term curriculum map is planned and structured to allow the children to build upon prior knowledge and continue to improve their skills over time by returning to the sports each year within each key stage. We use the PE hub lesson plans which set out lessons and learning objectives so that all PE lessons are sequenced and progressive and provide children with opportunities to improve their skills.
All pupils partake in two different sporting activities, twice a week, each term. Children from Years R-4 swim three terms a year in the school pool. Years 5-6 swim three terms a year at Folkestone sports centre. Dance and gymnastics are taught for one term each year from Year R-6. We have also chosen 7 sports (athletics, tennis, football, basketball, hockey, rounders and OAA) which are taught for one term a year from Years 3-6. Years R-2 do skills based units to equip them with the skills they need to begin learning the sports in Year 3. These sports were decided upon as they were voted for by pupils based upon their interests - yet still making sure we cover the breadth of activities stated on the National Curriculum.
Our PE lessons are delivered by teaching staff or specialist coaches. Ahead of teaching each sport, we provide CPD opportunities at the end of the previous term for staff that are led by specialists to help promote the quality of our teaching.
The My Personal Best approach is added to PE lessons to help children to develop life, leadership and social skills such as empathy, resilience and teamwork.
We enhance our curriculum further by providing additional opportunities outside of PE lessons for pupils to participate in. There are regular opportunities, for all year groups, to take part in events and competitions organised by Shepway Sports Trust and other outside agencies. We also offer a wide range of after school clubs each term, train pupils to lead sporting activities (see the Sports Crew section below) and provide additional swimming provision, which we think is not only a crucial life skill, but also vital for pupils to do based upon the geographic location of our school – by the sea.
By the end of each key stage, the children are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study as stated in the National Curriculum.
Children are assessed each term using the PE Hub assessment grid and this shows skill progression in each sport over time. As our sports are delivered in a progressive manner and are built upon each year, this assessment tool helps staff the following year fill gaps and know the outcomes and abilities of the pupils they are teaching.
Children also self-review and evaluate their performance in PE lessons using the My Personal Best resource and describe the skills they have used. Children self-review and evaluate each term and this provides evidence that the children are using the life skills during lessons.
Sports Crew
An initiative that we promote through our sports premium funding during our lunchtime are Year 5/6 Sports Crew leaders. The children have received training to lead lunchtime games for younger children, promoting teamwork, healthy lifestyles and problem solving skills through a series of physical challenges, games and tasks.
Additional swimming provision.
At Christ Church we are especially keen to support our children in their swimming development. It is an expectation that by the end of Year 6 every child should be able to swim 25 metres unaided. We are extremely fortunate to have our own swimming pool at Christ Church and are therefore able to provide high quality weekly swimming lessons for Years R to 4. Year 5 and 6 continue to have their sessions at Folkestone Sports Centre with experienced instructors. We also offer 2 after school swimming clubs to provide further opportunities for our children to swim. In Year 5, less confident swimmers are identified and monitored. Upon entering Year 6 these vulnerable pupils are invited to join one of these after school clubs with the intent to raise swimming standards in line with government guidelines. Once pupils are on course to reach their 25 metres target, other vulnerable pupils will be given the opportunity to access this provision.
School Games Values

Sports Documents
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645