Access Keys:

Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent




At Christ Church Academy we believe that all pupils of this school should have regular access to a stimulating science education, appropriate to their age and stage of development and that due emphasis is given to its provision, for good quality teaching and learning.  Our aim is to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about natural phenomena in the world around them, enabling them to become increasingly more excited about science, asking questions and finding out how to answer these using a broad range of the scientific enquiries.   Children will receive an appropriate sequencing of content to build an understanding of scientific concepts and knowledge to take them into secondary school and encourage a lifelong interest and curiosity in the sciences.  This enables children to progressively learn a range of skills that will instil confidence and independence throughout their science education and further as they aspire to become the scientists of the future. 



Science is taught through the SNAP Science Scheme of Work. The scheme provides teachers with a set of lesson plans that are full of good activities which are easy to resource. Teachers have found the scheme easy to use and follow as each topic area includes: a list of the statutory requirements from the programme of study for each year group, enabling teaches to view the learning that has taken place in the previous year and the coming years ahead; suggestions for working scientifically; notes on preparation for the unit of study; a list of resources; vocabulary; key words; key information for teachers; common misconceptions and key scientists. 

The long term map shows how science starts off in year R with general ideas about the world around them and then moves into year 1 with more specific topic areas that children can relate to at their developmental age e.g. ‘everyday materials’ covers the language that children are able to access to describe the properties by using their senses. This subject is revisited in year 2, 4 and 5 and the level of language progresses as children begin to learn more scientific language e.g. solid, liquid, gas in year 4 and thermal conductivity, dissolving, change of state etc… in year 5. 

At Christ Church we carefully plan for children to experience a progression of skills that enable them to work scientifically across related subject knowledge content in the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics fields of study. We promote scientific inquiry to encourage pupils to answer questions they may pose about the world around them and understand natural phenomena. To help pupils truly feel like they are working as scientists do, we have thoughtfully mapped a range of enquiry types across all units of science starting in Year R and continually building on these skills with greater sophistication and accuracy as they pass up to Year 6.  Working scientifically skills are developed progressively through our science curriculum with pupils being encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including collecting, analysing and presenting data.

From the start, our youngest learners are encouraged to use specialist scientific vocabulary related to their units of scientific study.  This specialist vocabulary is planned, modelled and expressed both orally and in written form by all teaching staff to allow children to express their ideas and findings with increasing clarity, precision and accuracy.  We expect most pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with their increasing word reading and spelling knowledge associated with their current Key Stage.

Science is taught discreetly throughout the day. In Year R, Year 1, 2 and 3 they are timetabled for 1 hour a week, Year 4 has 1hour and 30 minutes and Year 5 and 6 have 1 hour and 35 minutes. 



Since the appointment of subject leaders a number of years ago, the guidance from a SIP meetings with another school, and the provision of a clear and straightforward curriculum, the significance of science as a core subject within the curriculum has grown.  Teachers are equipped with a scheme that supports their teaching and there is now more emphasis on developing the science skills, supported by a good understanding of the knowledge that is needed. 

Through discussions with children, we have learned that science lessons are enjoyable and children are keen to learn.  Book looks occur every term and provide evidence of the curriculum being followed, work is carried out and recorded regularly and there is progression of knowledge, vocabulary and skills across the three subject disciplines.

Teachers assess the pupils through the term based on their input during lessons and written work.  Assessment files have been set up and teachers use these to record the progress.  These are carried forward from one year to the next to provide the subsequent teacher with an insight into the skills and knowledge that have been achieved by each pupil.  This enables them to teach from a point of the children’s understanding, avoiding unnecessary repetition, but also directing them regarding expectations.



10th Mar 2025
Using modelling clay, pupils made a 3D model of a human heart and labelled its parts. 
9th Jan 2025
How is one species different/similar?  Today we have looked at variations in...