Curriculum Intent
The Christ Church Curriculum Intent
Our vision:
Striving to the best version of ourselves every day.
Inspired by God’s love, we humbly strive to be the best version of ourselves every day, in every way. We cherish the dignity of each precious person: thankfulness, friendship, forgiveness and hope are at the heart of our inclusive community.
Curriculum Mission:
At Christ Church CEP Academy, our curriculum is designed to be interesting and challenging allowing our children to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge. We ensure above all that our curriculum is inclusive allowing every member of our school community to flourish regardless of their barriers to learning. Our curriculum design, ‘The Christ Church Experience’, provides meaningful learning experiences that enable our children to be actively engaged with the world around them and increase their cultural capital.
Our curriculum encourages our pupils to be curious, thoughtful, active and resilient learners. It promotes a lifelong love of learning; children are encouraged to make connections, ask questions and think critically. We ensure the children develop these skills and qualities through a range of initiatives including philosophy for children.
Above all, as our mission statement states, we strive for every member of our school community to be the best version of themselves everyday – this is at the heart of our curriculum and its overall aim.
Through our Christian faith, we recognise our responsibility to all children and staff, to enrich lives and show respect within our school family and the wider community. We believe in building confident learners who show resilience and determination in their learning. Our curriculum aims to allow children the opportunity to ‘be the best version themselves every day’.
At Christ Church CEP Academy, we follow our own sequenced curriculum in EYFS which is scaffolded by the statutory guidance of the Early Years Framework. We then follow the programmes of study in the National Curriculum for all subjects in Year 1-6.
The main purpose of ‘The Christ Church Curriculum’ is to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. It aims to give all children the rich knowledge and understanding together with essential skills to prepare them for future learning. The curriculum is aimed to meet the particular needs of the children at Christ Church and familiarise them with the local setting and all it has to offer.
Topics, skills and knowledge for these curriculum areas have been carefully mapped and sequenced so that they build over time, drawing on prior learning and paving the way for future studies. Children are always given the opportunity to revisit and review their knowledge and skills before learning new concepts.
In all subjects, the main end points are the end of Key Stage/year expectations as set out in the National Curriculum.
The curriculum is developed by all members of our teaching staff including the Senior Leadership Team, Class Teachers and Subject Leaders. Together, as a group of professionals, we constantly review our curriculum and amend as necessary. Regular CPD is given to teaching staff to ensure they are always up to date with the curriculum and subject knowledge. Misconceptions are addressed and learners’ knowledge is always checked regularly.
Our curriculum has been sequenced so it allows children to constantly build on their knowledge. Topics are built in which are age-appropriate and link appropriately to the main reading texts being focussed on in class. Subject Leaders monitor their subjects to ensure the curriculum is being covered and skills are being taught and progressed.
School trips are carefully planned to enhance pupils’ cultural capital and link to their learning for that year to enhance their knowledge; they are often planned in the local area to increase their knowledge of where live.
Every term we review the impact of our curriculum through book looks led by Subject Leaders and feedback occurs in the following staff meeting. Staff and pupil voice conversations also occur to gain an understanding of how each subject is being taught and where future CPD sessions may be directed. Subjects have all had staff meetings devoted to their subject for laying out the expectations and for follow-up CPD required to develop their subject further.
In writing and maths Senior Management Team members meet and look together at books to ensure clear progression between year groups is occurring as well as consistency in expectations across the school. To enhance our moderation process, staff meetings are held at least once every term, with teaching staff, to look at writing books and outcomes. Additionally, a CPD session every term is devoted to meeting with the class teacher and Writing Lead, to provide specific guidance.
Long-term memory techniques are being implemented into lessons such as history with timelines to ensure pupils retain skills and knowledge learnt previously. This is in addition to starters that recap the learning from previous lessons in all other subjects.
We aim for our children to leave primary school feeling prepared for the next phase of their education; our curriculum is designed to meet this.
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645