Welcome to class 4DH's webpage. This is the central hub to find out what your child is learning each term, class routines, key information and a gallery of photos and news.
Each morning the class will be open for registration between 8:30-8:40 please ensure that your child arrives promptly so they do not miss out on any information shared during this time.
Tuesday and Wednesday: Please ensure that your child has a school issued PE kit- consisting of dark navy T-shirt, shorts and black plimsolls. Make sure that your child attends school wearing their PE Kit. If you are unable to get the school PE kit, some form of 'sporty clothing' will do. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather. Fleeces, hoodies, leggings, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are also allowed.
Swimming-On Wednesday some of the children will be swimming depending on which Swimming Group they are in. We will alternate groups on a termly basis. Children will need to bring to school their Swimming costume and a towel. If you could also provide goggles and a swimming hat (for children with longer hair) that would be a tremendous help.
Supporting your child at home
Please ensure that your child routinely reads at home with an adult or independently (depending on their reading ability). We recommend 15 minutes supported reading, three or four times a week. When your child has read please remember to message us using Class Dojo so we can win points for the school reading competition.
Please make sure to check out Purple Mash for plenty of educational activities to help with your child's learning. Purple Mash will feature plenty of spelling practice, tables practice and much, much more to help your child improve.
Don't forget to look at the Parent Information Letter that should appear electronically via Arbor and to check out ClassDojo for regular updates on your child's progress.
Latest Photographs
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645