Personal Development

Spirituality Day 2024
22nd May 2024
Spirituality Day - A special day for all! A huge thank you to our lovely Mrs Carter who organised a lovely day to develop the children's spirituality. The children began the day with a fantastic worship from Open the Book. Then they participated in range of activities throughout the day. Even the weather didn't prevent the children from coming together as a community to share their picnics together. ...

British Science Week
11th Mar 2024
We were lucky enough to be joined by a Marine Biologist this morning to mark the beginning of British Science Week. It was a great way to encourage the children to think about different fields of scientific based work.

Our lovely NYLG children plant trees
7th Feb 2024
After an amazing worship on Monday led by Pola, who explained very confidently to the whole school the importance of trees in our world and for our earth and why we need them to encourage climate change, our four NYLG children (National Younger Leadership Groups) Pola, Asher, Jackson and Kara, who are taking part in the project this year, planted their fruit trees alongside the Community Building. ...

Rotary Club Parcels for our food bank
12th Dec 2023
We were delighted to welcome Mr & Mrs McNiece from the Rotary Club into school. They were welcomed by our Head Pupils and came bearing gifts of lovely Christmas parcels for our food bank. To thank them different classes came into the hall to sing some carols.

World Philosophy Day 2023
16th Nov 2023
We celebrated World Philosophy Day on 16th November by thinking and reflecting on What a Human would look like in the future. The children cam up with some amazing ideas: Maryam in year 3 thought we may live inside computers because computers are becoming more and more important in our lives. Arthur also in year 3 reflected on the impact of climate change and how this would effect the evolution...
Personal Development curriculum
Personal Development through the Curriculum

Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645